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Born: 2000

Position: Undercover Agent


The youngest member of Hongjoong's closest friends, Jongho works as a spy in the police. He gathers any information about police investigations and passes them to ATEEZ, helping to remove suspicion away from them (evidence tampering, extortion, etc.). Jongho is very mature for his age, and extremely strong, probably the main reasons why he could pass as a police officer, even in his young age.


He became involved in the gang after his girlfriend was shot by the police. At the time, he had known Yeosang through university (they took some philosophy classes together). When he didn’t show up for a couple of weeks, Yeosang had found him in his apartment half-drunk to death.


It was after this that Yeosang slowly started to plant the seeds in Jongho’s head – that “there was a way to get back at the police, a way to make them pay for what they did, slowly, more painfully”.


It was then that he told him about ATEEZ and Jongho joined in a heartbeat. Then, after entering the police academy, he became an invaluable asset to the gang.

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